Tech Growth

It has been quite a year for technology and innovation. We have seen the growth of virtual reality, 3D Printing, and self-driving cars. I have a few things that I loved about this year and how far we have gotten as a society to improve the  lives of people.

So as I wrote about a while back, Facebook bought Oculus Rift, a company which designs virtual reality goggles, and all of a sudden you found this outburst of companies working on the newest trend, and it's a colossal milestone for VR. This has been the first major time that virtual reality has been brought out so publicly, and suddenly it this is a titanic piece of technology that the whole populace is after. Oculus Rift is mainly for gaming, but there is much more to this exponentially growing field. Virtual reality is also presenting a way for doctors and surgeons to train on simulators which provides an additional hands on ways to practice without any risks involved.

Technology is improving at a quick rate, and once you realize how much it affects the lives of humans, we come to the realization that we rely on it as more than just a supplement. Consider the growing use of 3D Printing and how people ranging from college students to professional scientists are using this resource. I remember reading an article about being able to print out artificial hearts for people in need, and it is quite an extraordinary thing to do…

There are also articles of clothing that can be used to track health. One company, Footfalls and Heartbeats, have created clothing where the fabric is the sensor; think about it, no wires, no tubes, just a shirt you put on and doctors can oversee your health. This is opening up to the public, and now parents are able to monitor their ill sleeping baby and if anything goes wrong they are alerted. This is part of a vast new trend called "wearable technology." This goes further, and you get gadgets like Google Glass or Fitbit, things that let you use the internet right in front of you on a display off a pair off glasses and track your physical habits.

It has been quite the year for technology. You start to see these gadgets only seen in Si-Fi movies come to real life. Companies are even starting to build their own self-driving cars to innovate and move forward; Google already has one that works nearly flawlessly, and it is only a matter of time before we all have our own cars driving us everywhere. We keep improving at such rate, and it seems there is no limit to the possibilities!


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