Robotics Camp

So summer has been going by faster then I had expected. One of the things I did this summer, which was this past week, was go to a robotics camp hosted by First, a huge company who develop machines and invent things to benefit the world. It was a really good teamwork/critical thinking exercise and was lots of fun with a great staff.

To make these robots, we used Lego's. To control these Lego's, we used this device called an NXT. This controlled the robots. But it was harder because we had to program these NXT's and since this was a beginner class and most of us had never used these before, it was quite a challenge.But after a little bit, It seemed so simple. A challenge to my team was teamwork. There was a conflict with two kids over the robot, but it was settled as a compromise.

Then came that day of our showcase. We had to have our robots complete as many challenges as we could on a Lego mat which is going to be released later this month. In the showcase, we had the former governor on NH John Lynch show up, which was cool because now he is one of the members of the board for First.
We completed about 4 missions which was quite impressive to everyone. This experience was one of the big highlights of my summer, and I also suggest anyone interested in robotics or learning about it to try it out.


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