The Boy Scout Nature Experience

This summer of 2013, during the last week of June, I went to Hidden Valley Boy Scout Camp. I stayed there for a week with my troop, Troop 135. Now this being my 3rd year, I thought it was going to be another fun, sunny, warm, year. But what I didn't expect was for there to be thunderstorms, and also them causing us to be on the news.. No one and I mean absolutely no one was severely harmed. There was a fire in Camp Bell, another Boy Scout camp right next to us, because of a lighting strike on a tent. The fire was put out quickly and no one was severely harmed. They did take a few scouts to the hospital to check out if anything had happened. We later found out it was all over the news and they had exaggerated news and it had probably caused panic to parents

In the midst of all this thunder and rain, it was still sunny about half of the day. This means we still got to work on our merit badges and participate in lots of other exciting activities. The important merit badge I took this year was Environmental Science. This taught me a bit of important things. I learned that there were two types of pollution; Point source pollution, which is pollution from a single point, and non-point source pollution, which is pollution form more than one source. I learned that the cost of building alternate and eco-friendly energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, is extremely expensive. I also learned a lot more than was interesting and informational. It was a crazy but definitely a memorable experience.  


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